

All Products >> Specialtech Meso Lyophilized >>Hyaluronidase 3000 IU/vial

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Hyaluronidase��1500 IU/vial.

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In its cosmetic application, Hyaluronidase can be used to counteract the undesirable effects of cosmetic filler procedures where treated areas of the face have developed unwanted lumps or swelling. Any area that has received hyaluronic acid injections can be subsequently treated with Hyaluronidase.
A patient, who has received cosmetic hyaluronic acid filler injections to minimize facial wrinkling or sagging, or to augment other areas of the face, may be a good candidate for Hyaluronidase if they are unhappy with their results. Hyaluronidase injections can reduce the fullness of cosmetic fillers or counteract them completely.


Hyaluronidase is an enzyme capable of hydrolyzing mucopolysaccharides of the hyaluronic acid type.

Posology and way of administration

Hyaluronidase is a lyophilized powder, in sterile and non pyrogenic presentation.

Depending on clinical criteria, prepare different units concentration by using additional sodium saline chloride solution.

For instance, the most typically prepared solution is 150 units of hyaluronidase per ml.

Always keep safety measures in mind while using hyaluronidase injectable or other. They should be done by the supervision of a doctor or a registered nurse.

Storage recomendations 

Protect from light.

Store the unopened vial bellow 25ºC. After reconstitution keep it always in the refrigerator between   2-8ºC (35-46ºF) and use it within the next 6 hours.